At the most recent meeting of the MetroVan Waste Management Committee, Burnaby Councillor Dan Johnston was incredulous. Here's how the discussion went:
JOHNSTON: In Solid Waste planning we have said we want a process and strategies to target food composting. Is there going to be money for infrastructure included this year, so municipalities can get going? We are really keen to get going on this.
TOIVO ALLAS (staff): No, there is no money in the 2008 budget for capital for composting…
JOHNSTON: When will composting be actually implemented?
ALLAS: Well, the revised SWMP will be complete in mid-2008, it will include a schedule for implementation and budget for composting… including a capital budget, once we get the plan approved… then we’ll finalize a budget…
Meanwhile today a new government-backed campaign was launched in the UK to tackle the food waste problem, from cradle to cradle. Why is Metro Vancouver moving so slowly on composting, when the rest of the world is charging ahead?
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