MetroVancouver is still moving forward on its plans to build a landfill in the pristine interior grassland at Ashcroft, even after the project was put on hold by the environment minister in June 06.
The Waste Management Committee was told at its meeting last month that several million dollars will be spent on archaeological work and detailed design work ~ this is on top of the $1.1 million to keep the cattle & ginseng ranch running in 2008 .
The Cornwall Watershed Coalition and the local First Nations, who have been fighting the project for years, are worried they will be the "frying pan" for MetroVancouver's garbage if we don't go ahead and burn it in incinerators. The then-GVRD Board approved the purchase of the ranch in an in-camera meeting in 2000 to develop into a landfill -- without consulting either their own citizens or the local community in the Ashcroft area.
(The photo above was taken by a youth, Will Morris-Nelson, who came down to Vancouver several years ago to give a moving talk about his ties to this land.) Are we willing to dump our trash in his backyard?
Tyee article is very informative. Digging up rare grasslands for garbage trucked from the city..?
I don't see the logic there. Greenhouse gases from landfills contibutes as much to global warming as airplane travel according to the 2008 BC government budget.
Ashcroft Ranch Landfill Proposal
"Environmental Assessment suspended on June 7, 2005 pending substantial completion of the Greater Vancouver Regional Solid Waste Management Plan amendment process."
THE 5 shortlisted options:
1.Ashcroft Ranch Landfill
2. Highland valley bioreactor landfill
3.CSS Income Trust - a "secure" existing LF North of Fort St. John
4. new bioreactor west of cache creek landfill
5. waste to energy gold river, vancouver island-green energy ltd
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