While cross-border shoppers were steaming at 3-hour border line-ups last Friday, a hearty group of Zero Wasters were enjoying trad Irish music (at the Ukrainian Orthodox Church!), swapping CDs and viewing a classic film that diagnoses our society's epidemic of "Affluenza." It was lots of fun ~ and just the first of a series of community events that Zero Waste Vancouver will be hosting in the months to come... Thanks to Vanessa and her musician friends who showed up with concertina, bouzouki, fiddles, guitars and pipes. If anyone wants to borrow the DVD of the film for a community showing, let us know!
So what happened with the garbage rate issue and plastic bag ban?
These issues are on Council's agenda this week. Plastic bags come up tomorrow (2 pm) and garbage rates on Thursday (9:30 am). Because these meetings happen during work hours, it's hard for citizens to attend. ZWV is trying to arrange for someone to attend the meetings. If you can do this for us, contact us a zerowastevancouver@gmail.com
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