It was hard to judge what the 100 people in the room were thinking as they listened to Rod Bryden, Plasco President and CEO. Bryden has a very effective speaking style: quiet, sincere, understated. The audience remained polite and attentive even as the presentation went on for double the allotted time (60 minutes, rather than 30).
Then the members of the Council-appointed Task Force, which is made up of citizens and chaired by Councillor Mike Clay, began posing questions.
For instance, they asked Bryden to clarify Plasco's position on composting. Surprisingly, Bryden suggested that composting is a "sacred cow" and that the city might do better not to spend money separating organics from the garbage and just have them gasified instead.
The organic materials would be "returned" to their "preceding natural elements" just as the other wastes are. And all these simple "elements" would then "recombined" into one product: syngas.
One product that can serve one purpose: producing energy.
(What extreme simplification, it occurred to me. Willing to give up all that diversity and all those opportunities for a quick shot of energy. When will someone notice that energy is the elephant in the room: we've already demonstrated that we don't know how to use energy responsibly ~ now we're willing to burn anything we can get our hands on to make more....)
Bryden was then pressed by members of the audience on his claim that the Plasco facility will have "no stack." People pointed out that the energy generation component of the Plasco facility is combustion of the syngas in an internal combustion engine, a process that cannot occur without a stack to allow the release of carbon dioxide... along with other substances including dioxins, furans and nanoparticles that Bryden had to admit were theoretically possible in the emissions, company predictions notwithstanding.
In response to another question from the audience, it came out that in addition to the stacks there are "flares" for the synthetic fuel to be burned off without producing energy, in the event of a malfunction in the engine.
And malfunction of the equipment was a problem, Bryden admitted under insistant questioning from the audience. When the Ottawa test plant stopped using "surrogate material" and moved on to real garbage, the feeder system jammed up ("crankcase stuck in the shredder") and they had to ship the waiting waste back to the city landfill while they resolved the problem. This is why the test plant was able to process only half the waste the city delivered to it. Welcome to the real world of dirty fuel, Plasco.
Asked if Port Moody's plant could be scaled smaller than the proposed 400 tonnes per day (which is approximately 36 times more waste than is produced by the households in Port Moody), Bryden said they could scale it down some ~ but if they went below 200 tpd it would reduce the "efficiency" and perhaps make the plant uneconomic.
The economics were of interest to the audience who probed, among other things, the $3.6 million dollar "royalty" to Ottawa if Plasco drums up business in other communities.
The audience also posed a question to Councillor Clay: why the rush to complete this enquiry in the summer? Can there be a referendum in the fall election? To which Clay did not shut the door.
If there is a referendum, the process that Clay is leading will be a huge contribution to the process. Hats off to Port Moody, a town of 30,000, for conducting a public "due diligence" process that brings out an audience of this size. And hats off to the good citizens of Port Moody who are taking the trouble to dig for answers before the city signs up.
pic: Councillor Mike Clay
It sounds like Rod Bryden, Plasco President and CEO was pretty open and honest.
Industrial composting does have its problems, emitting more VOS's than methods and sterilising animal wastes. Anaerobic Digestion is a much more effective technology for treating food waste and efficiently recovering energy. Rod Bryden has a point.
Its theorically possible that composting can concentrate dioxins (inherent in food) and release hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and methane; if composting is poor.
Rod Bryden was far from "open and honest"...he denied there was a flare stack .. it's actually 39 feet tall! He said there were no emissions.. yet the plant's own records show dioxin emissions..he said that selling power to BC Hydro was assured.. it isn't...the list goes on and on
"400 tonnes per day (which is approximately 36 times more waste than is produced by the households in Port Moody)"
Well, simple math: 400 000 kg/ 36 times (as per author) / 30 000 people * 7 days in a week = 2.6 kg of garbage per capita per week. Average family (2+2) would dispose about 10 kg of garbage a week... Hard to believe...
What, exactly, is the problem that Port Moody is trying to solve with this proposed plant? We need to see the financial and community drivers - Port Moody, regardless of the existence of the start-up Plasco, must define its waste management problems and seek strategic alternatives.
What we have here, it appears, is a start-up, with no commercial installations and a couple of patents, trying to generate a market. In so doing, any start-up must first generate an urgency around a problem that their technology is trying to solve - did Plasco create and present a problem to Port Moody, or did Port Moody recognize and define precisely its waste management problem and then seek strategic alternatives? It appears that the latter is not the case, since there are no alternatives in regard to this Plasco proposal - the agenda is brought by Plasco, not the city.
Given a clear statement of the drivers behind our (Port Moody's) seeking of solutions, independent of Plasco, what would induce our municipality to select an unproven start-up solution, and co-locate that solution with residences? Since the waste management problem of Port Moody is unclear, if it exists at all, it is absurd to think that it is so urgent as to warrant the risk of trying unproven technology. Here's the program that the city should adopt:
1. What are our waste management problems currently, and with forecast over the next decade? What are the current solutions and costs? How are these inadequate? - a gap analysis.
2. What are the strategic alternatives to solve these well-defined problems, if any such problems have been identified?
3. What are the tactical alternatives for each strategy? To be exact, Plasco is just a start-up tactical alternative for the strategy of waste combustion. What are the costs, benefits and risks of each tactical alternative.
4. Make a decision via publication of the above research to the public, and a referendum.
Has this approach been taken in this debate?
Same crap is happening here in Kamloops.
Kamloops being used as guinea pig, scientist charges!
Check out http://www.savekamloops.ca for more info
Aboriginal Cogeneration Corporation is trying to push through a Gasification Plant in city limits that will burn Toxic Waste (Creosote Treated Rail Ties)
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