Did you know that Zero Waste Vancouver is involved in producing a film about municipal composting?
The plan is to make a short, fun documentary (in the 30 – 45 minute range) that digs for answers to questions like, “why doesn’t Vancouver have a municipal composting program?” and “what would such a program look like for the average city resident who doesn’t get their jollies from handling kitchen waste?” We've got a director on board (the irrepressible Jeff Hicks, recent graduate of the Film program at Niagara College) and a good crew who are now busily researching the topic and applying for funding.
What this project needs now, like any good film, is a hero! While a a ruggedly handsome, monster-slaying hero is probably not necessary, an inquisitive, personable everywoman/everyfellow protagonist definitely is! This character will tie together the film's narrative and embody the quest for answers to very timely questions about municipal composting programs, the cycle of food production and the "yuck" factor.
In addition to the adventures of our hero, the film will also include interviews with people involved in various stages of food production and composting. At this point, we’re particularly interested in finding folks with stories to tell about the food that was once produced in the Lower Mainland - on today’s golf courses - and about the food that is still being grown here on remaining agricultural land.
We'll keep you posted on this blog about progress on this film project.
In the meantime, if you’d like to nominate a protagonist*, other character or interviewee for the film, or if working work behind the scenes on preproduction and production sounds like your cup of tea, please drop us a line at zerowastevancouver_at_gmail.com.
* statuesque build and flowing locks optional
1 comment:
Quite interesting actually, i'll have to bookmark your site now to check out what other things you might say. ;)
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