Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Ireland shifts away from incineration
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Residential Composting Works! Being expanded...
Article in the Times Colonist, Thursday, October 25, 2007
CRD out to expand organic waste program
by Rob Shaw, Times Colonist
A pilot program to recycle organic food waste has been so popular in Oak Bay and View Royal that officials want it to continue for another 12 months while they try to lure other municipalities to join.
The Capital Regional District's environment committee voted yesterday to endorse extending the curbside pickup program -- which collects such things as vegetables, meat, fish and bones -- pending funding approval next month.
The Oak Bay and View Royal pilot programs were started last year to pick up special biodegradable food waste bags, set out alongside normal recycling bags, at approximately 4,000 homes.
Read the rest of the article...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
article: Fraser Valley reps worried about Incinerator Plans
published in many local papers on Oct 19th. read the entire article:
Incinerator sparks fears of pollution
Air quality an issue in hunt for garbage solution
Fraser Valley reps are deeply worried their citizens will breathe more pollution if Metro Vancouver builds a new waste-to-energy incinerator to deal with the region’s rising garbage volumes.
Metro officials intend to call for bids early next year for a new incinerator or other “non-landfill technology” that could consume up to 750,000 tonnes of waste per year by 2012.
Abbotsford Coun. Patricia Ross fears emissions from such a plant will blow east and seriously worsen Fraser Valley air quality.
“We’re very concerned,” said Ross, who chairs the Fraser Valley Regional District environment committee.
“You just don’t put significant point source pollution in confined air sheds where the mountains trap pollution for very long periods of time.”
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Big day Sunday: Dream Vancouver & Global Warming Cafe

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Composting in action
Helen Spiegelman, on CBC's "The Early Edition"
As our garbage gets collected and landfills fill up where will all the waste go? We speak to environmentalist Helen Spiegelman and to Marvin Hunt, the Chair of the Metro Vancouver Waste Committee. Listen to this interview.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Reno not Demo ~ the zero waste way!
"Then you've got city hall," Atkin continues. "If you want to do a renovation, there are a pile of hurdles that they stick in front of you. But if you come in for a demolition permit and plans for a pseudo-craftsman house, they are, 'Okay, fine, boom.'"
Time for new rules that encourage reno not demo?
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The hope of Zero Waste

Saturday, October 13, 2007
Pete McMartin connects the dots

Friday, October 12, 2007
ZWV Backgrounder on incineration

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Gateway and waste

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
An incinerator????
We have one incinerator in Burnaby that burns 285,000 tonnes of waste a year, but report's appendix (see the chart, Item 5.6a) shows an extra 1.25 million tonnes of waste-to-energy capacity by 2025.
Staff told the MetVan Board that they are already having "informal conversations" with incinerator vendors. There has been no public discussion about the pros and cons of this, and in fact our approved Solid Waste Management Plan says nothing about incinerators.
Similar moves in Ontario and the UK are setting off a storm of protest. Check out the CIELAP report from Ontario. Zero Waste Vancouver is developing a backgrounder to tell citizens and politicians what the incinerator salesmen are NOT saying... we'll post it soon.