The advent of indoor toilets gave rise to a whole grocery aisle full of toilet paper of all colours, patterns and grades. And toilet paper rollers to match every decor...
Here we are at a similar moment of human history: the advent of municipal food scraps composting. This is going to open the door to a flood of new consumer products.
The Bag to Earth is made in Ontario.
The patented (US #6,524,667) design makes it "totally biodegradable and compostable" using a material that is locally abundant and renewable: Canadian wood pulp.
Will more Canadian companies recognize an historic opportunity and seize this market before Frankenplastics steal the niche?
Another "roll your own" option: The City of Ottawa has instructions for folding a newspaper liner for kitchen scraps container, which they call Organics Origami >> http://www.ottawa.ca/garbage_recycle/images/origami_bin_liner_en.pdf
What a great social enterprise opportunity: workshops to MANUfacture these?
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