Our city staff and elected officials need moral support. They are about to do something scarey -- but
wonderful! It's all in a
staff report that will go to Vancouver City Council next week.
The report acknowledges that over
one-third of our waste is compostable food scraps and food-soiled paper, that this yucky stuff produces greenhouse gases in the landfill, and that we
have to get these materials out of our landfill if we want to meet our GHG reduction targets.
This means we have to change our ways, all of us. At home and at work.
The good news is that everybody I talk to is eager to change. The only complaint I've heard about the first phase of the City's composting program (which began just over a year ago) is that apartments and condos were left out.
The report asks Council permission to embark on Phase Two: a cautious pilot program.
Two percent of the houses in Vancouver, along with a small sample of carefully-chosen businesses and apartment houses, will get a chance to set out
all their food scraps for composting instead of putting them in the garbage. The City will collect the composting containers every week.
The pilot will start up this fall. Once the 6-month pilot is complete and the City staff have analyzed all the data they intend to collect about the pilot program, they will come back to Council again and ask permission to go City-wide with the new program.
City Council and the cautious engineers who deliver our waste management services need reassuring words from us.
Come to
Council Chambers next Thursday, 9:30 am, and let them know you are ready to take this big step.